Plant Pathology Teaching Experience
All M.S. and Ph.D. students admitted into the Plant Pathology Graduate Program are required to complete a teaching experience. The required teaching experience consists of serving as a teaching assistant for one semester in a Plant Pathology (PLPA) course. As part of the requirement, students will enroll in a workshop on teaching methods and graduate level courses offered by the Center for Educational Innovation, including but not limited to, New TA Orientation and GRAD 8101 Teaching in Higher Education. For students who teaching is a career goal, you are encouraged to participate in Preparing Future Faculty workshops offered through the Center for Educational Innovation.
Plant Pathology Internship Opportunities
Internship opportunities provide students with unique exposure to research in other environments, including private industries, federal agencies, other countries, or other universities. Read more below about the various internship experiences both at home and abroad that Plant Pathology students have had.
Internship opportunities can provide students with unique exposure to research in other environments, including private industries, federal agencies, other countries, or other universities. Because of their value to the graduate student experience, the Department of Plant Pathology will offer credit (PLPA 8090) for internships of 3-12 weeks duration. In addition, the Department has developed a small pool of funds that will be awarded competitively to provide travel funds and short-term research assistantship support for students over the course of the internship. Students interested in pursuing an internship are encouraged to contact prospective individuals with whom they may wish to work or to work with their adviser and Graduate Advisory Committee in exploring potential options.
Students are urged to plan ahead. Students desiring an internship will be required to prepare a 4-6 page proposal for the internship, including a summary of internship goals, description of specific activities, location for the internship, a justification for the location, and explanation of how the internship will enhance their graduate program. The internship proposal must include letters of support from both the proposed host and the graduate adviser. Internship proposals must also include a request for and justification of PLPA 8090 credits to be assigned to the internship experience. We expect internship experiences are likely to be assigned from 2-8 credits (S/N)--depending upon their length and the activities involved. Finally, if departmental funding is requested, the internship proposal must include a detailed budget on travel, lodging, per diem, and miscellaneous expenditures.
Internship proposals will be reviewed by the DGS and Graduate Education Committee in consultation with the Department Head. Proposals are accepted anytime during the year but should be submitted well in advance of the planned internship. The DGS and Graduate Education Committee will approve or recommend revisions to internship proposals, and recommend funding accordingly. Because funds are limited and may sometimes be tied to specific internship experiences (e.g. international experiences), full funding of all internship proposals is not guaranteed.
Within 30 days of the conclusion of the internship, students will be required to submit to the DGS, Graduate Education Committee, and Graduate Program Coordinator, a brief written report summarizing their internship experience, including specific accomplishments, contributions to the student’s program, effects on future research and career plans, and any plans for continuing collaborative interactions with the host.