
Name Office Address Email
Robert Alvarez Quinto
Assistant Professor
206 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Brett Arenz
Associate Teaching Professor
105 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Robert A Blanchette
305 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Ashok Chanda
Associate Professor
112 Ag Research Station [email protected]
Senyu Chen
Southern Research and Outreach Center [email protected]
Ruth Dill Macky
Professor & Interim Department Head
210 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Yanhong Dong
Research Associate Professor
103 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Milton Drott
USDA-ARS Adjunct Assistant Professor
Cereal Disease Lab 1551 Lindig Avenue USDA-ARS St. Paul, MN 55108 United States [email protected]
Mitch Elmore
USDA-ARS Research Molecular Geneticist, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Cereal Disease Lab 1551 Lindig Avenue USDA-ARS St. Paul, MN 55108 United States [email protected]
Cory Hirsch
Associate Professor
314 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Yue Jin
USDA-ARS Research Plant Pathologist and Adjunct Professor
Room 4, Cereal Disease Lab [email protected]
Jennifer Juzwik
Adjunct Associate Professor
Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service [email protected]
Devanshi Khokhani
Assistant Professor
208 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Shahryar Kianian
USDA-ARS Supervisory Research Geneticist (Plants) and Adjunct Professor
Cereal Disease Lab [email protected]
Linda Kinkel
318 Christensen Lab [email protected]
James Kolmer
USDA-ARS Research Plant Pathologist and Adjunct Professor
Cereal Rust Lab [email protected]
Dean Malvick
308 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Megan McCaghey
Assistant Professor
214 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Matthew Moscou
USDA-ARS Research Plant Pathologist/Adjunct Assistant Professor
Cereal Disease Lab [email protected]
Pablo Olivera Firpo
Research Associate Professor
316 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Ashish Ranjan
Assistant Professor and Molecular Plant Pathologist
212 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Matt Rouse
USDA-ARS Research Plant Pathologist and Adjunct Professor
Cereal Disease Lab [email protected]
Deborah A Samac
USDA-ARS Supervisory Research Geneticist and Adjunct Professor
317 Christensen Lab [email protected]
Jonathan S Schilling
Adjunct Professor
Office Address: 1445 Gortner Ave Saint Paul, MN Lab Address: Itasca Biological Station and Lab [email protected]
Daniel Schlatter
Adjunct Assistant Professor
204 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Senait Senay
Adjunct Assistant Professor
248D Ruttan Hall [email protected]
Brian Steffenson
Professor / Lieberman-Okinow Endowed Chair of Cereal Disease Resistance
310 Stakman Hall [email protected]

Emeritus Faculty

Name Office Address Email
Nevin D Young
Distinguished McKnight Professor
306 Stakman Hall [email protected]
Richard Zeyen
Professor Emeritus
[email protected]