
Name Position/title Email Phone
Grace Anderson Research Scientist - Plant Disease Clinic and PLPA Administration [email protected] 612-625-1275 (PDC)
Peter Aspholm Researcher ll - McCaghey Lab [email protected]
Michelle Bjerkness USWBSI Director of Operations [email protected] 517-290-5023
Claudia Castell Miller Researcher 5 - Samac Lab [email protected] 612-625-1728
Milo Chiu Researcher 1 - Khokhani Lab [email protected] (262) 515-7603
Rebecca Curland Researcher 6 - Dill-Macky Labs [email protected] 612-301-1107
Stephanie Dahl Quarantine Officer [email protected] +1 651 231 8846
Melinda Dornbusch Lab Technician - Samac Lab [email protected] +1 612 625 1728
Alexis Feist Researcher II - Steffenson Lab [email protected]
Crystal Floyd Researcher 5 - Malvick Lab [email protected] +1 612 625 8135
Jennifer Flynn Researcher 2 - Plant Disease Clinic [email protected] +1 612 625 1275
Becca Hall Senior Instructional Support Specialist, and Outreach Coordinator [email protected] +1 6126265973
Zoe Hansen Postdoctoral Associate - Kinkel Lab [email protected]
Annie Harvieux Communications and Relations Coordinator [email protected] +1 612 625 4705
Benjamin Held Researcher 7 - Blanchette Lab [email protected] +1 612 625 6231
Diane Hennan Graduate Program Coordinator [email protected] 612-625-7630
Chana Johnston Administrative Coordinator [email protected] +1 612 625 4705
Anita Jurevica Researcher 2 - Dong Lab [email protected] +1 612 625 2752
Scott Klasek Postdoctoral Associate - Kinkel Lab [email protected]
Hunter Kluegel Researcher 1 - Dill-Macky Lab [email protected]
Brett Lane Postdoctoral Associate - Kinkel Lab [email protected] 651-624-2253
Kathleen Markham Researcher 5 - McCaghey Lab [email protected]
Oadi Matny Researcher 5 - Steffenson Lab [email protected] +1 612 625 6778
Hyeran Moon Post-Doctoral Associate - Steffenson and Moscou Lab [email protected]
Eric Nazareno Postdoctoral Associate - Steffenson Lab [email protected] 6158818157
Jamie Nesbit Researcher 3 - Steffenson Lab [email protected]
Kristen Opitz Senior Administrative Director [email protected] +1 612 625 9226
Nick Rajtar Postdoctoral Associate - Blanchette Lab [email protected]
Ahmad Sallam Researcher 6 - Steffenson Lab [email protected] +1 612 625 6778
Jyoti Saini Sharma Researcher 5 - Olivera Firpo Lab [email protected]
Rebecca Spanner Postdoctorate researcher - Steffenson Lab [email protected]
Ashish Srivastava Researcher 5 - Kianian Lab [email protected] +1 612 624 4155
Beheshteh Zargaran Researcher 3 - Dill-Macky Lab [email protected] +1 612 625 0234