Pablo Olivera Firpo, Ph.D.

Excellence in International Service Award
Olivera has exemplified outstanding international service through his collaborative research and training of international scientists. His collaborative research has improved global food security by facilitating the breeding of rust resistant wheat varieties. His training of international scientists has expanded the global wheat disease surveillance network and also improved the quality of research of this network. Dr. Olivera’s service contributions to the country of Ethiopia are exceptional both in scope and number of scientists trained over a decade, and also in impact through supporting the establishment of the world class cereal rust pathology laboratory in Ambo, Ethiopia.
From the APS: This award recognizes outstanding contributions to plant pathology by APS members for countries other than their own. Contributions may have been made through collaborative projects, sabbaticals, short- and long-term assignments with educational or governmental agencies, including, but not limited to, international centers and research institutes.
Brian Steffenson, Ph.D.

APS Fellow
Steffenson is a world authority on disease resistance in plants and has contributed most significantly to plant pathology and other allied disciplines with his research on elucidating the genetics of durable disease resistance in barley and systematically exploiting cereal wild relatives for cultivated crop improvement. His research has led to the identification and cloning of many new resistance genes, especially those effective against the rust diseases. Steffenson also contributed important new knowledge on the genetics of virulence in several fungal pathogens of cereals and helped lead international efforts in combating outbreaks of Fusarium head blight and stem rust.
From the APS: Fellow recognition is based on significant contributions in one or more of the following areas: original research, teaching, administration, professional and public service, and/or extension and outreach.