Borlaug Inspire Day welcomes spring

5th graders stand on a sunny lawn outside the borlaug schoolhouse under american and iowa flags
Students gather outside the Borlaug one room schoolhouse.

In honor of legendary UMN Plant Path alumnus Norman Borlaug, the Department of Plant Pathology once again brought representatives to Borlaug Inspire Day. Located on Borlaug's home turf in and near Cresco, Iowa, Borlaug Inspire Day welcomes Iowan 5th graders (this year, 175 students total) to learn about wheat diseases, farm life, and Borlaug's history. 

molly, yoony, and lucas explain a photo of a wheat stalk to students at picnic tables
Veregge and Lee educate students on wheat and wheat rust. 

Outreach Coordinator Becca Hall and PhD students Molly Veregge, Yoonjung Lee, and Lucas Roberts (of APG) carpooled to Iowa and presented a lesson on plant pathology to the students. It's a joy and honor to continue the legacy of collaborating for plant health, just like our most famous alumni!