
Stopping Grapevine Trunk Diseases in their Tracks: Study on Minnesota’s vineyards published by DeKrey and colleagues

June 3, 2022

Congratulations to Davy DeKrey, Annie Klodd, Matthew Clark, and Robert Blanchette on publication of the research article “Grapevine trunk diseases of cold-hardy varieties grown in Northern Midwest vineyards coincide with canker fungi and winter injury,” newly released in PLOS ONE.

Kat Sweeney Passes PhD Defense

Congratulations, Kat!

Recent Alumni: Where are they now?

There are so many career options for UMN Plant Pathology graduates! We connected with recent alumni to see what they are up to. 

New research shares oomicide’s valuable role in protecting soybean from Phytophthora

This collaborative applied disease management study analyzed the efficacy of several oomicide seed treatments as part of integrated management aimed at preventing Phytophthora sojae stem and root rot on soybean. 

Beheshteh Zargaran: Plant Path Meets Homeopath

In this Staff Spotlight, we talk to Dill-Macky Lab Manager Beheshteh Zargaran about her compelling science career, which spans three disciplines and two countries.

2022 End-of-Year Party

In honor of the accomplishments of UMN Plant Path in 2021-22, we hosted an outdoor fling. 

Congratulations, 2021-2022 Graduates!

We are so proud of all our 2021-2022 grads! UMN Commencement was Saturday, May 7.

Post-Doctoral Research Position Open

Join Ashish Ranjan and Devanshi Khokhani to work with potato's interactions with soilborne microbes.

Job Opening: Assistant Professor and Plant Virologist/Plant Pathologist

Come work with us! The UMN Department of Plant Pathology seeks outstanding applicants for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor faculty position in the area of plant virology.

New article from PhD student José E. Solórzano brings attention to an emerging fungal disease of soybean

José co-authored a magazine article about taproot decline, caused by Xylaria necrophora, during his time at LSU.