My Plant Path: José E. Solórzano
PhD student José E. Solórzano is passionate about plant pathogenic fungi, turning curiosity into knowledge, and educating others.
American Phytopathological Society Meeting 2022
Applauding all the students, faculty, and staff who attended the 2022 APS meeting!
Finding Genetic Solutions to Soybean White Mold Disease
Faculty member Dr. Ashish Ranjan and his lab are determined to grow healthy soybean crops with natural resistance to white mold fungus, allowing farmers to use fewer chemical treatments in their fields.
Students Represent UMN at the Mycological Society of America Meeting
Andrew Mann, Sofia Simeto and José Solórzano traveled to Gainesville, Florida in July to attend the Mycological Society of America (MSA) Annual Meeting.
Spotting Tar Spot of Corn with New Diagnostic and Methods Guide
The disease known as tar spot is spreading in Minnesota’s corn fields, and now it should be easier for growers and researchers to identify thanks to this new publication from Plant Path team members.
Curland, Ledman Represent UMN at the 7th Xanthomonas Genomics Conference
Staff member Rebecca Curland and PhD student Kristi Ledman, both of the Dill-Macky lab, represented UMN Plant Pathology at the 7th Xanthomonas Genomics Conference in Clearwater Beach, Florida this past June.
Wild barley, beta glucans, and human health
A paper researching wild barley co-authored by Brian Steffenson revealed genes associated with cell wall modification, carbohydrate metabolism, and regulation of β-glucan.
Chanda honored with Early Career Award at North Central APS Meeting
The meeting was held in Lincoln, Nebraska from June 21-23, 2022, and was attended by a number of participants and presenters from the Department of Plant Pathology.